Vietnam Fish Processing Machines & Equipment
Our objective is to position our own selves as the most sought after fish processing automation business partner to our clienteles where we will assist our clienteles to realize the maximum return on investment by speeding up their fish processing processes. From smaller market players such as restaurants to large participants like fish farms and fish processing plants or operations, our mission is to offer you with the very best fish processing automation machines that minimize the requirement of human labor while improving your manufacturing output with very little wastage.
The world is changing and robotics and automation are fast revolutionizing how business is done. Our firm believes the one and only way to persist and outshine your competition is adopting disruptive technologies which are here to stay.
We are an exceptional food processing tech and automation firm. With a focus on fish processing machines and equipment. Our company believes in teaming up with top end fish processing brand names and suppliers to provide the leading innovation to Asia.
Steen Breakthroughs With Fish Processing Technological innovations
The first table top fish skinning machine was created back in the 1950s, ever since then more fish processing machineries have been produced via years of r & d after significant feedback from our clients. We currently provide various types of fish processing machines for various functionalities.
Our Fish Processing Equipment and Solutions
We tend to each of our clients’ requirements in fish processing seriously and instantly and safety measure and hygiene are of vital importance to us. All our fish processing machineries’s functions reflect what we believe in.
At the moment our various fish processing equipments can provide you with fully automated fish skinning functionalities to skin a wide variety of fish (salmon, baadar, tilapia etc). Our fish processing machines for fish skin removal can process most types of fishes.
Currently our numerous fish processing machines can provide you with fully automated fish skinning functionalities to skin a range of fish (salmon, baadar, tilapia etc). We can also de-scale a huge variety of fish that remove (de-scale) scales from all types of fish without damaging the skin of the fish. Our fish processing machines for fish skin removal can process most types of fishes.
Cutting fins and tails from fishes can also be automated with our fin-tail cutting equipments where safety from using the equipments are of upmost importance to our company in our quest in fish processing automation. Our fish processing machineries can also remove fish bone continuously (including fish neck bone) in a flexible method with marginal wastage and gapping while at the same time preserving the nice outlook of the fish fillet after fish deboning. Our fin tail cutting machines and machinery can process most variety of fishes.
For processing of the popular mackerel, we possess our own speet machinery (mackerel) in which our company can process mackerel between 300 grams to 500grams.
Fishes aside, we also engineered and assembled specialise machineries for eel processing. We have automated eel slaughtering machineries (eel gutting machine) for eels up to 9 inches.
Our fish processing equipments can also remove fish bone continuously (including fish neck bone) in a flexible procedure with hardly any wastage and gapping while at the same time maintaining the nice outlook of the fish fillet following fish deboning.
Showing 1–12 of 15 results
Steen Automatic skinner long model ST600/V machine
Steen Automatic skinner long model ST700/V machine
Steen Automatic skinner short model ST600/V10 machine
Steen Automatic skinner short model ST700/V10 machine
Steen Automatic skinner-de-friller ST600/VR machine
Steen De-scaling machine ST521 machine
Steen Eel Slaughter ST504 Machine
Steen Fin-tail cutting machine ST540 machine
Steen Pin Bone remover ST591/K501RL Machine
Steen Speet ST915 machine
Steen Stand alone skinner ST600/SV machine